The Bland County Historical Society is located in
the "old jail building" on the courthouse square. Volunteers are at the
jail each Friday (April - December) for research and shopping, and on other
days by appointment. Phone (276) 688-0088
The Bland County Historical Society Office is open
Fridays from 9am-3pm April-December. We can open on other days by appointment.
Call 276-613-4626 to schedule an appointment.
Year round, we are available by email ( or phone
(276-688-0088). Please leave a message and we will get back to you. We continue
to fill orders for books and accessories and to answer questions
submitted by email or by phone. Should you wish to ask us to
investigate some genealogical or historical questions about Bland
County, please send an email message . We prefer that you DO NOT
use Facebook to submit your questions.
See the obituary for member Barbara Sue Laban. She was a long serving dedicated Board Member, Volunteer, and Master Gardener for the Flowers in front of jail.
The Jim and Lorrayne Muncy Family lived in Bland from the 1930s until the late
1960s. The Muncy Family was prominent in editing and publishing the Bland
Messenger for many years. The Muncy Children participated in many school,
church, and youth activities in Bland during the 1950s. Pictures obtained from
the family show historic scenes from Bland during that time. We hope you enjoy a
look back at this past era
of life in Bland VA.
PDF versions of the Bland County yearbooks have been created and
are now online. PDF versions are larger and slower to load, but are searchable, and are available for all years through 2019.
The Old Jail Restoration Fund Drive is
ongoing See Details.
The restoration work has already completed.
2025 Membership Drive.
Its time to renew your membership for 2025, so please take time
do it now.
Here are
several tongue-in-cheek looks at why genealogy research can be difficult at times.
index of Bland
County Historical Society obituary holdings is available
online. Many thanks to volunteers Barbara Kemp, Virginia Gills,
Barbara Laban, and
Kathryn Cooper
for their tireless work on this project. Many thanks also to
volunteer Cathy Havens for preparing the latest batch of
obituaries. Index updated 04/05/2019.