Bland High School (The Echo) Bland High School began its publication of The Echo in 1936. The next two years of publication were after World War II and were dated 1946 and 1948. The last year of publication was 2014 when Bland High School was consolidated with Rocky Gap High School and became Bland County High School. Instructions for Viewing: Click on the year link for the yearbook you wish to view, the yearbook will open to show the first page of the yearbook (in Acrobat Reader. If your PC does not have Acrobat Reader, see: https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/pdf-reader.html). You can cycle through the pages using the down arrow or page numbers at the top. To search for a name or phrase, hold the control key down while typing "F". This will open a search box where you enter the word(s) you want to search for. Click on Next or Previous to see all the occurences of your search term. Note: On most browsers using Ctrl++ (hold the Control key down and hit + twice) will enlarge the page and make the fine print easier to read. Go back to Yearbook Index |