Backward Glance

Suiter School
Pictured is Suiter School, 1st -7th
grades, c.1935, Helen Morehead, Teacher.
Bottom Row: Unknown, Helen Hall,
Unknown, Georgia Havens, Unknown
Row Two: Junior Breeding, Unknown,
Unknown, Ina Stacy, Unknown, J. Fred Hall, ? Lovell
Row Three: Unknown, Junior Stacy,
Margaret Elliott, Unknown, Dorothy Lundy
Row Four: Lillian Breeding, Unknown, ?
Lowell, Unknown, Elsie Breeding
Row Five: Dorothy Stacy, Stella Mae
Elliott, Sue Colley
Top Row: Cecil Colley, Unknown, Ronald Stacy,
Dorothy Lucas, Inez Sexton
Please contact Brenda King (276)
688-0088 if you know any of the “unknown” students. Photo contributed to
the Historical Society by Georgia Havens.